Please join us for Polyday 2022 in London and online on the 15th of October.

Ticket typePrice
Angel Ticket (Donate a little extra for the Angel fund)£35
Full Price On The Door£25
Early Bird Price£20
Online Only£10
Buy us a coffee (No event ticket)£5

Tickets are purchasable on Eventbrite!

Please note that additional Eventbrite fees apply. If you want to avoid these, please purchase tickets directly at the London Polyamory Meetup Group events.

Concessions are available for people receiving benefits, full-time students, OAPs, low waged and children 6-17 years.

5 and unders come free.

If you need a carer to attend with you, please buy your own ticket and use the “contact” link at the time of booking to tell us the name of your carer, who will then be allocated a complimentary ticket.

Can’t afford a ticket?

We want to make Polyday as accessible as we can while still covering the costs to be able to run it.

If you can’t afford a Concession ticket and/or need support for travelling, you could be able to access funding from the Angel Fund, donated by other people.